Rites of Spring -
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Jul. 12, 2005 - 10:46 a.m.

For as long as I can remember, at some point shortly after the spring quinox, my mom and my aunt would get together and celebrate The Rites of Spring. I don't know how it all got started, but I remember watching the festivities from the sidelines, and I knew that one day, I too would be able to help rejoice in Spring.

The Rites of Spring as celebrated in the Purse house are as follows:
1) Wake up and get dressed.
2) Drink gin and tonics.

Now, it seems simple enough, but something happened! One year, they just stopped doing it! I had very fond memories of helping squeeze the lime in the gin and tonics. I could be wrong, but I think that the cocktails were passed out sometimes even before noon, and kept rolling all day. I never remember my mom or my aunt being very loaded, but they probably were (good ol'family disfunction!).

I mentioned my desire to participate in the Rites of Spring to my aunt. She said that she had no idea that it was such a big deal to me. She also said that they may have rejoiced too much the last time and vowed under the veil of a nasty gin hangover that they would not celebrate spring in this manner any more. So, this year, although it was almost summer, my family brought The Rites of Spring out of retirement, and we all sipped gin and tonics and welcomed spring to New Mexico and our hearts. I was so happy to finally toast spring in my family way.

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